Sunday, August 29, 2010


It occurred to me today that it's probably time for humanity to stand up and declare it's victory over nature. It's hit me before, on an intellectual level, that there is no reversing what we've done. But today, on a more emotional, intuitive level, I realized just what that means.

What was once the pillar of humanity's elegance has fallen. Instead of community working in concert with nature, we have Home Depot. Instead of rains falling to feed the Earth, we have dying oceans and crumbling ecosystems. Instead of newborns suckling their mothers, we have BPA-free plastic bottles.

Well, there's no BPA, so this plastic is ok! It won't kill your child directly, but it will destroy the planet! No problem!!!

It's universally accepted by astronomers that the planet is supposed to be in the midst of a cooling cycle, on the way toward another ice age, perhaps. But somehow, the planet is getting hotter. If that is not enough to convince us that we're royally screwed the pooch, then I don't know what will.

I was overcome by a profound sadness; not depression, but sublime, intense sadness for what we've managed to destroy in roughly 200,000 years. It's tough to believe, and tougher to accept, but I think that people are starting to become familiar with the idea of collapse, and just what it means. We've no choice.

What I have to focus on is getting past this compulsion to punch everyone I see in the face. That's probably not healthy.


  1. I feel your sadness. I also have the same punching urges too, so you aren't alone.

  2. I don't think that humanity can ever claim victory over Nature. I say this because Nature is not something that can be controlled or subjigated or killed. Nature Is. We may change things for a little while, and we may die out or we may survive. The Natural World will continue to seek balance in whatever ways present themselves. The sadness we share is not for Nature, but for humanity's inability to understand that it, too, is inextricably woven into the fabric of all things and that everything it does will have consequences.

  3. In the respect that humanity is part of nature, you are correct that we cannot garner absolute control over it, and we can't fully subjugate it; it's plainly obvious that more often than not, humanity is at the mercy of nature. But the changes that we inflict upon nature are not always so easy for nature, as an entity, to balance. It's true that the Natural World will continue to seek balance, but how long will it be before things are irrevocably changed and balance cannot be found? This is not to suggest that Nature or the planet will die, because Nature surely has more perseverance than that, but the world could look very, very different, and many, if not most species could very well be long gone.

    I think a great deal of our sadness is indeed for Nature itself. Humanity's failures and inabilities are without a doubt the source of much of our confusion and despair, but I think it's naive to suggest that we don't feel for Nature itself as well.

  4. It is easy to see nature as a fragile entity in need of our love and protection. And while this is true it is also important to remember what a harsh and cold place the universe is. Nature was born out of this hostile environment and is therefore far more resilient than we currently give it credit. If, as a race, we continue to harm this planet as successfully as we are doing so now, there will come a point when Nature will shake us off like water from a dog.

    There is no victory for humanity. We may 'win' battles but in the long run the outcome of the war is inevitable. I could talk about this topic for a lot longer but fro brevity's sake I will cut it short.

    Just take solace in the fact that Nature will certainly outlive all of us. And though it may be a very different Nature than we know now it will still be as profound and glorious as it ever was.
