Saturday, February 27, 2010


People have been going for days about the fact that Tilikum the killer whale (not a whale, for the record - orcas are dolphins) went off and killed this woman at Sea World. 'What would cause this animal to do this?' they say.

Really? Are you fucking kidding me?

It's a fucking wild animal. Sure, it's trained and all that shit, but it's still WILD. Think about it like this - human beings are the MOST domesticated animals on the planet, and we still flip out and get crazy all the time. Civilization can not take all The Wild out of any animal, humans included.

Those beautiful dolphins have no place in giant tanks in Sea World, jumping through hoops or whatever for our fucking entertainment. And we have NO right getting all indignant and surprised that this happens. It should happen more often - it gives me some small bit of hope that humanity will learn a lesson, and that maybe we can return to the path we once walked.

People that think that Tilikum should be "put down" ought to seriously consider why that's the case, because there is not one good argument for that proposal.


  1. You are definitely right about animal rights , We as humans always try to civilize our societies by sabotaging the other natural environments and this cos our many problems nowadays the more we civilize the more we decay

  2. Well there are many arguments for that actually... At least from the modern society's point of view. Such things do not happen very often it's true. But when they do, people have a reason to fear. And fearing nature is considered something completely absurd and irrelevant for the allmighty modern human. Therefore it must be dealt with. In this case they want to see the poor animal killed just because he followed his natural instincts. For me just like you it makes no sense. An animal is an animal. They do not kill because of hatred, envy or greed...

  3. they now want to kill the animal? i agree that it was 'wrong' what happened, but since the animal now has been put (and very un-naturally so) in a 'human' setting, expected to follow 'human' terms and regularions (perform for the crowds at many showtime, live in an enviroment that is created by humans etc.), human law should also apply in this case. it was not murder, there was no motive or pre meditation. since the animal was forced to adapt to a human society, it would only be right that the consequenses of this incident follow the same human code. And in this case it would probably be considered accintal manslaugther. So the sentence for manslaughter is what? 5, 10 years at most in jail. (Jayson Williams, the basketball player, just received 5 years for manslaugther). so in other words the animal would, following the 'human code' that was force upon it, would spend 5, at most 10, years incarcerated. Since the animal is already in a cage, it would not be to far fetched to say that the appropriate sentence would be to spend 5 to 10 years in this cage, or prison if you will, then be 'release' perhaps on probabtion. So if people want to force human societies way onto an animal, its should be treated in the same way if a something like this takes place. Killing the animal saying, its wild, is so hypocritical since if they had realised this in the first place the animal would not be lock up in a cage (pool). So since they applies human structure to the animals life, the animals 'crime' should be punished accordingly. killing the animal, or applying the 'death setence' if you will, does not orespond with this. what and ubsurd world we live in. and one last remark, for the animal to be able to kill the woman, the woman had to be very close to the animal. there surely must be signs saying 'keep X amount of distance, animal can be dangerous' but i dont doubt that 100 kids come up to the glass of the tanki and bang their hands on the glas every single day. so yea, the animal snapped when one got too close, it is in their instinct to protect themselves if cornered.

  4. Funny thing, Emil - it was the animal's trainer that was killed. Just a freak accident. To be expected when you imprison a wild animal.

    Why do you think human's go off and do crazy shit? Because they're wild. And civilization is unnatural.
